Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Grapevine morphology
Afrikaans: mesokarp, vleis, pulp
Xhosa: ukutya kweziqhamo
Subject: Viticulture
Subject: Chemistry, Winemaking
Afrikaans: gliserol, gliserien
Xhosa: igliserini
Subject: Distillation
Subject: Viticulture
English - ipekhithini
English: pectin
Subject: Winemaking, Botany
1. the heavy, colloidal substances found in ripe fruit which promotes the formation of gelatinous solutions and hazes in the finished wine. 2. a structural polysaccharide found in plant cell walls.
Afrikaans: pektien
selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Wynbereiding, Botanie
1. die swaar, kolloïdale stowwe wat in ryp vrugte gevind word en wat die vorming van jelagtige oplossings en wasigheid in die voltooide wyn, bevorder. 2. 'n strukturele polisakkaried wat in plantselwande gevind word.