Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Regulatory
Subject: Cooperage, Implement
Subject: Waste and waste management
Afrikaans: algenaat
Xhosa: i-alginethi
Subject: Winemaking
Subject: Enzyme
Afrikaans: chitinase
Xhosa: ukuguqula itshithini
English - evapotranspirasie selfstandige naamwoord
waterverlies vanaf die grond en lower-oppervlaktes na die atmosfeer, en vanaf plante deur transpirasie.

Afkorting: ET
English: evapotranspiration
loss of water from the soil and canopy surfaces to the atmosphere and by transpiration from plants.

Abbreviation: ET
Xhosa: ukuphela kwamanzi omhlaba

Isifinyezo segama: i-ET