Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Viticulture
Subject: Grapevine morphology
Afrikaans: korrel
Xhosa: iqunube
Subject: Chemistry, Winemaking
Subject: Viticulture
Xhosa: i-HPLC
English - oorskotwyn selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Wynkunde
verwys na die voortdurende oormaat van wyn wat geproduseer word en die markaanvraag oorskry.
Sinonieme: surpluswyn

English: wine lake
Subject: Oenology
refers to the continuing surplus of wine produced over the demand by the market.
Synonyms: wine surplus
Xhosa: idama lewayini
Isifanakuthi okanye isisthethanonye: intshiyekela yewayini