South African Trilingual Wine Industry Dictionary
Some words selected from our dictionary: Subject: Cultivation practice Subject: Waste and waste management |
English - qinisekisa English: certify verb Subject: Winemaking, Viticulture 1. grant authorisation in terms of the Wine of Origin scheme for the use of particulars in connection with the sale of wine. 2. the viticultural process where grapevine propagation material is approved free of known harmful viruses by the Department of Agriculture, under regulations of the Vine Improvement Association. Afrikaans: sertifiseer werkwoord Onderwerp: Wynbereiding, Wingerdboukunde 1. verleen matiging in terme van die Wyn van Oorsprong-stelsel vir die gebruik van besonderhede wat verband hou met die verkoop van wyn. 2. die wingerdboukundige prosesse waar wingerdvoortplantingsmateriaal deur die Departement van Landbou goedgekeur word as synde vry van bekende skadelike virusse, onderworpe aan die regulasies van die Wyndruif Verbeterings Vereniging. |
Analysis Bacteriology Barrel type Biochemistry Biodiversity Biology Biotechnology Botany Bottle size Bottle type Bottling Brandy Chemistry Climate Commerce Cooperage Crushing and destemming Cultivation practice Distillation Enzyme Equipment Fertilization Genetics Grapevine anatomy Grapevine development Grapevine disease Grapevine morphology Grapevine pest Grapevine physiology Growth regulator Implement Instrument Irrigation Machinery Marketing Microbiology Mouth-feel wheel Oenology Packaging Plant pathology Propagation Pruning Regulatory Soil science Training Trellising Viticulture Waste and waste management Wine fault Wine style Wine tasting Wine type Winemaking Yeast |