Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Wine tasting
Afrikaans: syagtig
Xhosa: egudileyo, busilika
Subject: Winemaking
Subject: Chemistry
Afrikaans: hidrolise
Xhosa: ihayidrolisisi
Subject: Winemaking
Subject: Soil science
English - inkxaso-ntengiso
English: sales promotion
Subject: Marketing
a range of techniques used to engage the purchaser, which may include discounting, coupons, guarantees, free gifts, competitions, vouchers, demonstrations, bonus commission and sponsorship.
Afrikaans: verkoopspromosie
selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Bemarking
'n reeks van tegnieke wat gebruik word om die koper te betrek. Dit mag afslag, koepons, waarborge, gratis geskenke, kompetisies, demonstrasies, ekstra kommissie en borgskappe, insluit.