Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Viticulture
Afrikaans: halfaam
Xhosa: ihalf-aum
Subject: Chemistry, Winemaking
Afrikaans: fenole
Xhosa: ifenoli
Subject: Chemistry
Subject: Brandy, Wine tasting
Afrikaans: speseryagtig
Xhosa: nesinongo, nesongo
English - i-oyile yepali eyenziwe nge tar
English: creosote
Subject: Trellising
oily liquid containing phenols and creosols, obtained from coal tar and used as a wood preservative in trellis poles and as a disinfectant.
Afrikaans: kreosoot
selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Prieelstelsels
olierige vloeistof wat fenole en kreosole bevat, verkry van koolteer en gebruik as 'n hout-preserveermiddel vir opleipale en as 'n ontsmettingsmiddel.
Sinonieme: teer