Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Distillation
Afrikaans: proefspiritus
Xhosa: isipirithi
Subject: Biotechnology
Subject: Grapevine morphology
Afrikaans: tapwortel
Xhosa: ingcambu engundoqo
Subject: Wine tasting
Afrikaans: bitter
Xhosa: krakra
Subject: Viticulture
English - i-amini
English: amine
Subject: Chemistry, Winemaking
organic compounds that contain a basic nitrogen atom. Examples include amino acids and biogenic amines.
Afrikaans: amien
selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Chemie, Wynbereiding
organiese verbindings wat 'n basiese stikstofatoom bevat. Voorbeelde hiervan is aminosure en biogeniese amiene.