Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Viticulture
Afrikaans: onkruidbeheer
Xhosa: ukubulala ukhula
Subject: Brandy
Subject: Soil science
Subject: Wine style
Afrikaans: laat-oes
Xhosa: isivuno samva
Subject: Viticulture
Afrikaans: blokrekord
Xhosa: irekhodi yeblokhi
English - afvalwaterbehandelingsaanleg selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Afval en afvalbestuur
'n fasiliteit waar die fisiese, biologiese of chemiese behandeling van afvalwater gedoen word.
English: wastewater treatment plant
Subject: Waste and waste management
a facility where the physical, biological or chemical treatment of wastewater is undertaken.
Xhosa: iziko lokucoca amanzi