Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Wine tasting, Viticulture
Afrikaans: ongebalanseerd
Xhosa: azilingani
Subject: Wine style
Subject: Waste and waste management
Afrikaans: luguitlating
Xhosa: ukuvulelwa komoya
Subject: Botany, Plant pathology
Afrikaans: fitoplasma, mikoplasma
Xhosa: ifayitoplazim
English - waardeketting selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Handel
beskryf 'n ketting van aktiwiteite. Produkte moet alle aktiwiteite in die ketting ondergaan. Na elke aktiwiteit verhoog die waarde van die produk effens.
English: value chain
Subject: Commerce
describes a chain of activities where products pass through all activities of the chain and at each activity the product gains some value.
Xhosa: amaxabiso ngamaxabiso