Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Winemaking
Afrikaans: galaktose
Xhosa: igalakthowuzi
Subject: Viticulture
Afrikaans: tip
Xhosa: ukucuthwa kwamahlahla
Subject: Wine style
Afrikaans: Kaapse wit
Xhosa: iPothi emhlophe
Subject: Viticulture
English - rou byvoeglike naamwoord
Onderwerp: Wynproe
'n wynproeterm vir 'n jong en onontwikkelde, tannienagtige wyn, tipies van rooiwyn wat direk uit die vat of tenk gemonster word.
English: raw
Subject: Wine tasting
a wine tasting term describing a young and undeveloped tannic wine, typical of red wine sampled direct from the barrel or tank.
Xhosa: ikrwada
Isifanakuthi okanye isisthethanonye: hlaza