Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Wine tasting
Afrikaans: aangenaam
Xhosa: emnandi
Subject: Distillation
Afrikaans: stroopwerk
Xhosa: ucazululo
Subject: Plant pathology
English - geoksideerd selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Wynproe
beskryf 'n wyn wat aan lug blootgestel was, wat gelei het tot 'n bruin kleur, gebrek aan varsheid, en 'n heuningkarakter.
English: oxidized
Subject: Wine tasting
describes a wine that has been exposed to air resulting in a brownish colour, lack of freshness, and honey-character.
Xhosa: dibanisa neoksijini
Isifanakuthi okanye isisthethanonye: banomhlwa