Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Waste and waste management
Afrikaans: luguitlating
Xhosa: ukuvulelwa komoya
Subject: Wine tasting
Subject: Chemistry
Subject: Commerce
Subject: Chemistry, Winemaking
English - eikehoutskaafsels byvoeglike naamwoord
Onderwerp: Wynbereiding
as 'n alternatief vir eikehoutvate, word eikehoutskaafsels in 'n groot “teesak” geplaas, waarna die sak in vlekvryestaal-houers, gevul met wyn, geplaas word.
English: oak shavings
Subject: Winemaking
as an alternative to oak barrels, oak shavings are placed in a large 'tea bag' that is placed inside stainless steel containers of wine.
Xhosa: amaceba om-oki