Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Chemistry
Afrikaans: suurstof
Xhosa: umongo-moya, ioksijini
Subject: Winemaking
Afrikaans: karsinogeen
Xhosa: ikhasinojini
Subject: Distillation
Subject: Oenology
English - gliserien selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Chemie, Wynbereiding
'n kleurlose, reuklose, effens soet, stroperige stof wat natuurlik tydens fermentasie geproduseer word. Indien dit teen hoë konsentrasies in wyn voorkom, gee dit 'n indruk van gladheid op die palet.
Sinonieme: gliserol

English: glycerin
Subject: Chemistry, Winemaking
a colourless, odourless, slightly sweet, syrupy substance produced naturally during fermentation that at high concentrations gives the palate an impression of smoothness in a wine.
Synonyms: glycerol
Variants: glycerine
Xhosa: igliserini