Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Cooperage
Afrikaans: lys
Xhosa: uludwe
Subject: Chemistry, Winemaking
Afrikaans: sianidien
Xhosa: isayinayidi
Subject: Bottle type
Afrikaans: Rynbottel
Xhosa: Ibothile i-Rayini
Subject: Climate
English - breathe verb
Subject: Wine tasting
opening a bottle of wine and allowing it to stand for several minutes or hours after opening, before serving it.
Afrikaans: asemhaal
Onderwerp: Wynproe
om 'n bottel wyn oop te maak en om dit daarna vir verskeie minute of ure te laat staan, voordat dit bedien word.
Xhosa: ukuphefumla