Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Viticulture
Afrikaans: makwortel
Xhosa: ingcambu ehlumelo
Subject: Winemaking
Subject: Viticulture
Afrikaans: strooier
Xhosa: umatshini wokusasaza
Subject: Biochemistry
Subject: Grapevine morphology
Afrikaans: woloog
Xhosa: iliso elinoboya
English - serration noun
Subject: Botany
teeth-like indentations at the margin of the vine leaf.
Afrikaans: tande
selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Botanie
tandagtige inkepings by die rand van die wingerdblaar.
Xhosa: isarha egqabini lediliya
Isifanakuthi okanye isisthethanonye: qoqiwe(yo)