Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Wine type
Subject: Chemistry, Winemaking
Subject: Viticulture
Afrikaans: druiweoes
Xhosa: unyaka wesivuno
Subject: Wine style
Afrikaans: tanige port
Xhosa: itawni pothi
English - regulated deficit irrigation noun
Subject: Viticulture
the process of applying less than the full irrigation requirement of the crop at critical growth stages of the crop.

Abbreviation: RDI
Afrikaans: gereguleerde tekortbesproeiing
selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Wingerdboukunde
die proses waar daar by kritieke groeistadiums van die gewas, minder as die volle besproeiingsbehoefte van die gewas, toegedien word.
Xhosa: intsilelo yokunkcenkceshela elawuliweyo
Isifanakuthi okanye isisthethanonye: i-RDI