Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Wine style
Subject: Grapevine development
Subject: Grapevine morphology
Afrikaans: vrughout, draerhout
Xhosa: umthi othweleyo
English - nitrogen noun
Subject: Winemaking, Viticulture
1. a chemical element, N, a gas under normal conditions, is the lightest element of periodic group 5 (nitrogen family), used as an inert gas during wine making. 2. the most taken up essential macroelement necessary for plant growth.
Afrikaans: stikstof
selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Wynbereiding, Wingerdboukunde
1.'n chemiese element, N, 'n gas onder normale toestande. Dit is die ligste element van periodieke groep 5 (stikstof familie), word gebruik as 'n inerte gas gedurende wynbereiding. 2. die essensiële makro-element wat meeste opgeneem word, noodsaaklik vir plantgroei.
Xhosa: initrojeni