Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Wine tasting
Afrikaans: wrang
Xhosa: rhabaxa
Subject: Botany
Afrikaans: fenologie
Xhosa: ifenoloji
Subject: Winemaking
Afrikaans: persplaat
Xhosa: iipleyiti zokucudisa
Subject: Viticulture
English - isihlwahlwazi
Isifanakuthi okanye isisthethanonye: burhasi, ibuklwahlwaza

English: gassy
Subject: Winemaking
a wine with carbonation, usually produced by a secondary fermentation in the bottle, but could also be unintentionally produced by late malolactic or alcoholic fermentation.
Synonyms: fizzy
Afrikaans: gasagtig
byvoeglike naamwoord
Onderwerp: Wynbereiding
'n wyn met karbonering, gewoonlik geproduseer deur sekondêre gisting in die bottel. Dit kan ook onopsetlik geproduseer word, deur vertraagde appelmelksuur of alkoholiese gisting.